Journey of the Soul

Journey of the Soul

Goal $8,500
72% funded
32 Contributors

One who contributes from his wealth for the purpose of writing or publishing a sefer of a Tzaddik –

Behold, at any given time, and in any corner of the world, that a person studies from this sefer, the Tzaddik [on high] evokes merit on behalf of the donor through whom the sefer was disseminated.

—The Rebbe, Igrot Kodesh, vol 2

Journey of the Soul

by Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi

Drawing upon the parallel between Queen Esther's impassioned plea to King Ahasuerus for salvation and the soul's entreaty to G-d for help in its spiritual struggle, this discourse examines the root of the soul's exile, and the dynamics by which it lifts itself from the grip of materialism and ultimately finds a voice with which to express its G-dly yearnings.


72% funded

$8,500 goal
Dedication Type
Full Page Hakdasha
+ Complimentary Book
Half Page Hakdasha
+ Complimentary Book
Quarter Page Hakdasha
+ Complimentary Book
One Line Hakdasha
+ Complimentary Book
Other Amount
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