March 20, 2025 / 20 Adar, 5785 • Vayakheil
Issue 864
Dedicated in loving memory of Mrs. Miriam Friedman

The work of contributing materials for building the Tabernacle sufficed for all the work that had to be done, and there was a surplus. 

Exodus 36:7

The people contributed more than enough material on the very first day of collection to suffice for the entire construction of the Mishkan (Tabernacle), its furnishings, its tools, and for the priestly garments. They contributed so enthusiastically, joyously, and generously because they knew that when G-d would manifest His presence in the Mishkan, it would indicate that He had forgiven them for the sin of the Golden Calf.

Similarly, whenever we wish to break from a less-than-optimal past and make a fresh start, we can do so effectively only if we do so sincerely. And our sincerity is measured by our enthusiasm, joy, and generosity – meaning that we put more into the effort than is technically required. When we invest in life with unbounded joy and enthusiasm, the result we reap is unbounded and all-encompassing joy and zest for life.

-- Daily Wisdom Volume 3