שיעורים בספר התניא - אידיש

שיעורים בספר התניא - אידיש

Goal $50,000
36% funded
98 Contributors

One who contributes from his wealth for the purpose of writing or publishing a sefer of a Tzaddik –

Behold, at any given time, and in any corner of the world, that a person studies from this sefer, the Tzaddik [on high] evokes merit on behalf of the donor through whom the sefer was disseminated.

—The Rebbe, Igrot Kodesh, vol 2

Shiurim Bsefer Hatanya is a linear exposition and commentary on the Tanya of R. Schneur Zalman of Liadi, founder of Chabad philosophy. Beginning as a weekly Yiddish radio program in 1960, Rabbi Yosef Wineberg drew upon teachings received from Chasidic scholars at the renowned academies of Lubavitch in Europe and the writings of seven generations of Chabad Rebbes. Each of the lectures was examined and amended by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, so that much of the material includes the Rebbe’s insights and explanatory comments.

Guiding the reader through every phrase of the Tanya, this most authoritative guide is a well-lit and accessible gateway to the Tanya, illuminating the mystical, often elusive, Talmudic, Kabbalistic, and Scriptural verses and concepts. It fills many gaps in what the terse Tanya text assumes to be the reader’s background knowledge.

This new and revised edition will receive an aesthetic face-lift featuring:

• Clear design and layout • Vowelized and punctuated Hebrew text • Interpolated commentary • Clear daily study indicators • Editorial updates and corrections


36% funded

$50,000 goal
Dedication Type
Full Page Hakdasha in Each Vol.
+ Complimentary Set
Full Page Hakdasha
+ Complimentary Set
Half Page Hakdasha
+ Complimentary Set
Quarter Page Hakdasha
+ Complimentary Set
One Line Hakdasha
+ Complimentary Set
Other Amount
Online dedication
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