July 12, 2024 / 6 Tammuz 5784 • Parshat Chukat
Issue 829
Dedicated in loving memory of Mrs. Miriam Friedman

On 10 Nisan 2487, Moses’ sister Miriam died. As soon as she died, the people’s source of water – the miraculous well that had followed them in the desert – disappeared, for it had existed in her merit. G-d instructed Moses to restore the well by speaking to the rock from which the water had previously flowed.

Take the staff and assemble the congregation, you your brother Aaron, and speak in their presence to the rock, so it will give forth its water. You will bring forth water for them from the rock and give the congregation and their livestock to drink. 

Numbers 20:8

This verse is addressed to each and every one of us, by virtue of the inner “Moses” that resides within our psyches. We all possess an inner wellspring of spiritual inspiration that we can access and use to give an entire congregation to drink – that is, to inspire them to believe in G-d, love Him, be in awe of Him, pray to Him, and fulfill His commandments.

Moreover, we can give “their livestock” to drink as well, meaning that we can inspire them to lead not only their spiritual lives but also their material lives – their pursuit of livelihood and leisure – in accordance with G-d’s will as expressed in the Torah.

Since we all possess this inner wellspring, and it is the nature of a wellspring to overflow and spread its water outward.

It is both the key to our own self-fulfillment and our sacred duty to use all our G-d-given potentials for this purpose.

--Daily Wisdom Volume 3