August 1, 2024 / Tammuz 26, 5784 • Parshat Matot-Ma'sei
Issue 832
Dedicated in loving memory of Mrs. Miriam Friedman

The Test of Dedication

These are the names of the men who will inherit the
land on your behalf [under the leadership of] Eleazar
the priest and Joshua son of Nun. 

Numbers 34:17

Moses wanted his sons to inherit his position of leadership, but G-d informed him that the leadership would pass to Joshua. The Torah tells us why: “Moses’ attendant, the young man, Joshua son of Nun, never left Moses’ tent.”

It was Joshua’s unwavering attention to all that Moses could teach him, both by example and by instruction, that made him worthy of being Moses’ successor.

We can learn from Joshua’s example. Spiritual growth requires constant effort and dedication. Just as academicians and musicians

marshal every ounce of self-discipline and perseverance in order to attain and maintain their accomplishments, so do we all need to muster the dedication and self-discipline required to progress in our spiritual growth.

Constant and consistent study of the Torah coupled with devoted adherence to its commandments make us, like Joshua, students of Moses. As such, we constantly enhance both our own Divine consciousness and that of the world we live in, thereby hastening the ultimate Redemption.

--Daily Wisdom Volume 3