August 29, 2024 / Menachem-Av 25, 5784 • Parshat Re'eih
Issue 836
Dedicated in loving memory of Mrs. Miriam Friedman

Safeguard all these words that I am commanding you, and hearken, that it may benefit you and your children after you forever, when you do what is good and proper in the eyes of G-d, your G-d. 

Deuteronomy 12:28

G-d asks of us only what He gives us the power to do, and crowns our sincere efforts with success.

Thus, all the commandments in the Torah can be seen as empowerments and promises. The very fact that G-d has commanded us to do what He asks of us means that He has already given us the power to do it.

In other words, doing “what is good in the eyes of G-d” and what is “proper in the eyes of humanity” is not only possible; G-d promises us that – if we study the Torah devotedly and follow its directives – we will succeed. We will become sources of illumination and inspiration to the world around us, guiding them to lead lives of goodness and devotion to G-d.

--Daily Wisdom Volume 3