September 19, 2024 / Elul 16, 5784 • Parshat Ki Tavo
Issue 839
Dedicated in loving memory of Mrs. Miriam Friedman

Family Bonds

Cursed be he who degrades his father or mother!” And
all the people will answer, “Amen!” 

Deuteronomy 27:16

The family is the foundation of society. A family is not a group of individuals who just happen to be living under the same roof or are bound together by some nebulous social conventions.

Rather, the genetic ties that bind the family entwine them with a deep spiritual and emotional bond. Thus, although spouses, parents, and children should of course be taught (and continuously educate themselves) how to relate to each other and to care for each other in better ways, their essential mutual bond and love enables them to intuitively sense each other’s needs and devotedly fulfill them far better than any substitute.

--Daily Wisdom Volume 3