October 2, 2024 / Elul 29, 5784 • Erev Rosh Hashanah - Ha'azinu
Issue 841
Dedicated in loving memory of Mrs. Miriam Friedman

Nations! Praise His people, for He will avenge the blood
of His servants. He will take vengeance on His adversaries
and appease His land, His people. 

Deut. 32:43

Just as the Jewish people possess the unique status of being G-d’s chosen people – along with all the responsibilities pertaining to this status – the Land of Israel possesses the unique status of being G-d’s chosen land. This being the case, the Jewish people are intrinsically tied to the Jewish land.

Inasmuch as these are intrinsic connections, which are not based on human logic, there may indeed be many seemingly logical arguments against this reality. In order to preclude such arguments,

G-d states in the preceding verses that He “raises His hand to heaven” in order to swear that the connections between Him and His people, between Him and His land, and between His land and His people, are intrinsic, eternal, and inviolable.

Our awareness of this truth should inspire us all to do whatever we can to ensure that the Jewish people and the Jewish land live up to their destiny, to be a “light to the nations,” and thereby hasten the Messianic Redemption, when, as promised in this verse, G-d will redeem “His land, His people.”

--Daily Wisdom Volume 3