February 27, 2025 / 29 Shevat, 5785 • Mishpatim
Issue 861
Dedicated in loving memory of Mrs. Miriam Friedman

You shall make a Screen for the entrance of the Tabernacle, [out of] turquoise, purple linen.

Exodus 26:36

The Tabernacle itself represents the realm of total Divine consciousness – the state we attain when absorbed in the study of the Torah, in prayer, or when preparing to perform one of G-d’s commandments. In contrast, the Courtyard surrounding the Tabernacle represents the arena of self-consciousness – the state of mind we return to after these Divine pursuits, when we are once again aware of ourselves.

In order that the Divine consciousness we experience when “inside the Tabernacle” remain with us when we are outside of it, there has to be a Screen demarcating the two realms. The Screen was opaque enough to conceal the intense Divine consciousness that leaves no room for self-awareness, but translucent enough for a glimmer of it to radiate to the outside. Allegorically, it could be compared to a parable, which conveys an idea without expressing it explicitly.

The fact that the Tabernacle included a Screen teaches us that, on the one hand, we cannot remain “inside the Tabernacle” at all times; we must venture out of it in order to elevate the world. On the other hand, we must not cut ourselves off from our spiritual moments completely; we must ensure that their inspiration illuminates our mundane lives, as well.

-- Daily Wisdom Volume 3