G-d instructed Moses to tell the Jewish people: “Should a man’s wife stray, causing him to suspect that she was unfaithful to him”:
Numbers 5:12
Committing a misdeed is a terrible act because the Jewish people are “married” to G-d.
Were adulterers not married, their behavior would not be judged so harshly; the fact that they betrayed a covenant-relationship is what makes them deserve punishment.
The same is true of the Jewish people. A misdeed is not merely a technical transgression; it is a personal affront to our beloved Divine Spouse.
As Jews, our connection to G-d is so strong that it is inherently impossible for us to transgress His will.
The only way we can commit a misdeed is by deluding ourselves into thinking that it will not jeopardize our connection to G-d.
Reminding ourselves that G-d is our “spouse” helps us avoid committing misdeeds.
—from Daily Wisdom