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For seven days you must make atonement for the Altar and
sanctify it, thus making the Altar holy of holies. Whatever
touches the Altar will become sanctified.
Exodus 29:37
Allegorically, we all, collectively and individually, constitute the world’s “Altar.” The Altar was the means by which material reality ascended to Divinity; similarly, each of us possesses the ability to elevate the material world by using it for holy purposes.
Anything that was fit to be offered up on the Altar became “holy” as soon as it touched the Altar, meaning that it had to be offered up; it could not be “de-sanctified” and used for mundane purposes.
Likewise, we should strive to imitate the Altar in this regard. We should aspire to be so saturated with Divine consciousness that anything that we “touch” (i.e., come in contact with) – provided that it is “fit” (i.e., permitted to us by the Torah) – will become irrevocably influenced by our holiness. We will thereby progressively transform the world into G-d’s ultimate home.
-- Daily Wisdom Volume 3